Art & Design Portfolio Coaching 

For Competitive College Admissions & Accelerated Creative Growth



One-on-one and small group coaching tailored to students’ goals, strengths and priorities for growth. Kids prepare a competitive portfolio for the college process while having fun accelerating their creative confidence.

Sessions can take place in your home, the NYC Tribeca studio, or on zoom. Purchase individual sessions, packages of 10, or join a group. Click here to schedule a free consulation!


Nell Daniel, BFA RISD, MA Columbia, MFA VCFA, PhD NYU

For over 30 years, I have led educational programs, taught HS students, and helped them secure admission to RISD, Cooper-Union, SAIC and top international universities. My Doctoral Fellowship research demonstrated how teens build resilience by learning creativity and innovation.

I believe in the limitless creative potential of adolescents. When teens boost their creativity, every area of their life improves and they become confident designers of their future.

More About Nell Daniel